
In order to build a package that is compatible with the Linux FHS and LSB, many changes have been introduced in the directory structure of the When source tree. The most significant changes are:

  • a new position for the main applet script
  • a slightly different hierarchy in the share directory, with the introduction of
    • a folder for standard icons in different sizes, under share/icons/hicolor/<size>/apps/when-command
    • a share/doc/when-command folder which contains documentation that is installed with the applet (, LICENSE and copyright)
    • the share/when-command folder containing all the resources and the main applet script (
  • the files needed by the standard Python setup script, as well as the setup script itself (namely, setup.cfg, stdeb.cfg and, have been added to the project
  • a stub file that will serve as the main entry point to start when-command instead of invoking the main applet script directly
  • other files required by the utilities used to build the Debian package.

Other changes involve the code itself: parts of the script has been modified in order to allow better recognition of the LSB-based installation (the one that expects the entry point to be installed in /usr/bin and data files in /usr/share), even though the possibility has been kept to build a package that installs When in /opt as it has been usual until now. From now on the preferred installation mode will be the LSB-based one, the /opt based package is supported on a “best effort” basis for whoever would want to keep When separated from the Linux installation.

Unfortunately the new directory setup could require some more effort to allow for local installations (e.g. in the user’s home directory), although I’ll try to do my best to make this process as easy as possible.

Requirements for Packaging

When uses Python 3.x setuptools (package python3-setuptools, it is possibly already installed on the system) to create the source distribution used bu the packaging system. Most information about how to package an application has been retrieved in Packaging and Distributing Projects, in Introduction to Debian Packaging and Python libraries/application packaging, as well as in the setuptools documentation. Especially, the stdeb for Python 3.x has been used: this package is not provided by the official repository in Ubuntu 14.04, so a pip installation may be required:

$ pip3 install --user stdeb

Also, to build a .deb package, the standard debhelper, build-essential and fakeroot packages and tasks are needed. I also installed python-all, python3-all, python-all-dev, python3-all-dev and python-stdeb (which is available, but it is for Python 2.x and quite old), but they might be unnecessary.

Package Creation: LSB Packages

As far as I’m concerned, this step can be considered black magic. I expected packaging to be a relatively simple thing to do, something more similar to stuffing files into a tarball and then adding some metadata to the archive to allow for the installation tools to figure out how things have to be done. Apparently there is much more than that, especially when it comes to Python applications. And when the main entry point of such a Python application contains a dash, things get worse: none of the standard installation methods that use the script seems to be suitable. That is why, for instance, the script is considered a data file in the whole process, whereas a stub script named when-command (with no extension) is marked as script: we will not use the entry_points setup keyword, because we don’t absolutely want to generate the stub script for us, since the supposed-to-be-library file contains a dash and could be not imported in an easy way.

However, here are the steps I perform to build a .deb package.

The Easy Way with

After unpacking the source tree, the following commands can be used to easily build the .deb package:

$ cd <when-source-tree>
$ python3 --command-packages=stdeb.command bdist_deb

The python3 ... bdist_deb actually builds a .deb file in the deb_dist directory: this package is suitable to install When. The same deb_dist directory also contains a source package, in the form of a .dsc file, .orig.tar.gz and .debian.tar.gz archives, and .changes files. However the .dsc and changes files are not signed: to upload the package to a PPA, for instance, they need to be signed using debsign. [1]

Using the Packaging Utilities Directly

First a source distribution has to be created: the script comes handy in this case too because it can do this job automatically using the sdist command. After the source tree has been unpacked or cloned, the following operations will create a proper source distribution of When and move it to the top of the source tree:

$ cd <when-source-tree>
$ python3 sdist
$ mv dist/when-command-<version_identifier>.tar.gz .

where <version-identifier> is the suffix of the newly created archive in the dist subdirectory. Then use the py2dsc tool to create the structure suitable for packaging :

$ py2dsc -m "$DEBFULLNAME <$DEBEMAIL>" when-command-<version_identifier>.tar.gz
$ cd deb_dist/when-command-<version_identifier>

The guide in Python libraries/application packaging suggests then to edit some files in the debian subdirectory, namely control and rules. The files should read as follows:


Source: when-command
Maintainer: Francesco Garosi (AlmostEarthling) <>
Section: misc
Priority: optional
Build-Depends: python3-setuptools, python3, debhelper (>= 7.4.3)
Standards-Version: 3.9.5
X-Python3-Version: >= 3.4

Package: when-command
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${python3:Depends}, python-support (>= 0.90.0), python3-gi, xprintidle, gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1, python3-pyinotify
Description: When Gnome Scheduler
 When is a configurable user task scheduler, designed with Ubuntu
 in mind. It interacts with the user through a GUI, where the user
 can define tasks and conditions, as well as relationships of
 causality that bind conditions to tasks.


#!/usr/bin/make -f

      dh $@ --with python3

      python3 clean -a
      find . -name \*.pyc -exec rm {} \;

#     python3 build --force

      python3 install --force --root=debian/when-command --install-layout=deb --install-lib=/usr/share/when-command --install-scripts=/usr/bin

      dh_python3 --shebang=/usr/bin/python3

Since we use a stub file, no links specification is actually necessary. This in fact differs from the advices given in the aforementioned guide: instead of specifying the target directory for scripts as /usr/share/when-command (same as the main script) in the package creation rules, we let the package install the stub in /usr/bin directly and don’t rely on symbolic links. The package creation procedure is slightly simplified in this way, and provides a tidier setup. Also, the comment in the override_dh_auto_build rule is intentional, and better explained in the guide.

To build the package the standard Debian utilities can be used in the following way:

$ cd <source-directory>
$ pkgdir=deb_dist/when-command-<version_identifier>
$ cp $pkgdir/share/doc/when-command/copyright $pkgdir/debian
$ cd deb_dist/when-command-<version_identifier>
$ debuild

The package is in the deb_dist directory. After entering the source directory, the first two lines just synchronize the copyright file from the unpacked source tree to the debian “service” directory just to avoid some of the complaints that lintian shows during the build process, while the last two lines are the commands that actually build the Debian package.

This process also creates a source package in the same form as above, with the exception that the .dsc and .changes files should be already signed after the process if the environment is correctly configured. In fact, to build the package, the DEBFULLNAME and DEBEMAIL environment variables are required, and must match the name and e-mail address provided when the GPG key used to sign packages has been generated: see the Ubuntu Packaging Guide for details.

At a small price in terms of complexity, this method has one main advantage over the “easy” one as it allows some more control on packaging by allowing to review and edit all the package control files before creation.

Package Creation: the Old Way

As suggested above, a way to build the old /opt based package is still available. I use a script that moves all files in the former locations, removes extra and unused files and scripts, and then builds a .deb that can be used to install the applet in /opt/when-command. This file can be found in a GitHub gist, together with the control_template file that it needs to build the package. It has to be copied to a suitable build directory together with control_template, made executable using chmod a+x, modified in the variables at the top of the file and launched.

[1]Just gpg --clearsign is not sufficient because file checksums change in the process.